2016- November 2

The Yalecrest Neighborhood Council – Community Meeting
Community Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, November 02, 2016
6:00 – 8:00 P.M.
Carmen B. Pingree Center for Children with Autism
780 South Guardsman Way
Robin Carbaugh, Chair
The purpose of the Yalecrest Neighborhood Council is to:
Promote a positive cultural and physical environment that aids the community members in
obtaining a meaningful geographic identity
Encourage positive relationships among members of the community
Pursue other objectives that are beneficial to residents of the Yalecrest Neighborhood

Voted in Loree Hagen; voted 12 yes/0 no
Newsletter- Karly Nielsen – Incorporating Mail Chimp into monthly newsletter and council
meeting/agenda. Newsletter features
Neighborhood garage sale-Jennie Lloyd- Spring fun community event in Seattle area. Small
and big can be put out for sale. Great event to bring people out and get to know one another.
Publicity taken care of for you. Next door app; flyers local businesses; Facebook; community
calendar; 1,487 homes; if 5% participated-that is a lot of sales! Lemonade stands; flee market at
Sunnyside Park; consider a project or gathering spot to build unity. Suggest spring-May. Begin
planning now for first one in 2017.
Salt Lake City Fire Department- Scott (driver for SL Department)
Great time to remind residents to change their clocks Sunday night AND check batteries on
smoke detectors and carbon monoxide; check dates for extinguishers. Expiration around 10
years (sensors for both hired wired and battery detectors operated ones have about a 10 year
Getting colder-furnaces coming on; carbon monoxide risk (tune up and change out your filters)
Recommend an extinguisher in kitchen and laundry room.
Parks, Police, and Partnership
Yalecrest residents often share that neighborhood parks are highly valued assets in our area.
Yet some are concerned that specific challenges and external circumstances may be putting
them at risk. In this round table presentation and discussion guests and neighbors will share
information and thoughts on:

Mt. Olivier- sidewalk to nowhere; the 1990’s development agreement with Mt. Olivet-signer was
not authorized to sign. City has decided not to pursue enforcement to open gate from Roland
Hall to cemetery. Connect neighborhood to passive open space. Closed discussion for now.

Sherilyn Hirschi – Salt Lake City Parks Adopt-A-Spot program
Kyle Shield, Salt Lake City Parks, Maintenance
Detective Josh Smith
Yalecrest Neighbors

Recent graffiti and irrigation problems at Sunnyside Park. Corton super product-natural looking-
lasts for a long time. Roland Hall teacher painted bridge white. Lt. Smith does not suggest
prosecuting. Who is responsible for fixing the horrible looking bridge? Only solution, sand
blasting it. Compromises the durability and life of the bridge.
Participating as neighborhood park steward through the city Adopt –A –Spot program
SLC Police Department – Safe, secure and clean parks
University of Utah consideration for Baseball Stadium expansion at Sunnyside Park
Emerging discussion with University of Utah for connection between Sunnyside Park and Family
Your personal thoughts and interest in furthering neighborhood park, open space and recreation
as neighborhood assets
Prosecute or fine for charges of bridges. Best solution to sand blast. Lessons learned: this is on
us; responsibility to increase supervision. Changes in the future: any painting project must go
through graffiti committee. Salt Lake City will always supply the paint.
Adopt a spot: open space (not parks department of the city):
Volunteer projects. Trained to know what to stay away from and what their role is.
Open space: natural area, intended to keep natural. Park is man made with grass, usually
jungle gym, etc. 1,433 acres in Salt Lake City. Valuable and limited resource.
Mission to connect residents to their open space and how to take care of them. Stewards.
Flexible volunteer opportunities
Conservation and
Planting, weeding,

  1. Citizen science
    Tracking wild life and pollution, growth of trees and plants, invasive weeds.
  2. Community outreach
    Evaluating current open spaces and how to improve them
    Adapt a spot is a commitment for one year. Consider that our community take on/apply for
    “Adopt a Spot.” Bring to executive committee for implantation.
    Crime prevent through natural barriers. Ground coverage under 2 ft. Tree canopies above 6
    feet. Leave open space between open. Natural surveillance; safe activities in safe places (more

eyes into an area). Traffic calming can help create a safe area. City may adapt an ordinance to
encourage residents a certain amount of lighting, landscaping, etc.
Next November topic: leaf harvest season; snow; sidewalks. Can request extra brown bin. Turn
off sprinklers, lawn mower to mulch. Don’t forget to water your trees. If we don’t get snow, need
to water trees.