2016- October 5

The Yalecrest Neighborhood Council
Community Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, October 05, 2016 * 6:00 – 8:00 P.M.

Carmen B. Pingree Center for Children with Autism
780 South Guardsman Way
The purpose of the Yalecrest Neighborhood Council is to: • Promote a positive cultural and
physical environment that aids the community members in obtaining a meaningful geographic
identity • Encourage positive relationships among members of the community • Pursue other
objectives that are beneficial to residents of the Yalecrest Neighborhood
Meet & Mingle 6:00 – 6:20 p.m.
Informal Gathering with Charlie Luke, Salt Lake City Council, District 6,
Moana Uluave-Hafoka, Salt Lake City Mayors Office,
Detective Josh Smith, SLC Police Department,
YNC Executive Committee, neighbors and guest presenters
Formal Meeting Begins 6:20 – 8:00 p.m
Opening Remarks + Organizational Developments: Robin Carbaugh ​​ ​​
Non- profit Formation Update, Tracey Harty
501c3 filing has begun; requires a bit of executive review and fundraising
​Outreach and Messaging, Karly Nielsen/Tracy Harty ​​
​​By Laws: Text Amendment Vote ​​​In the interest of achieving non-profit best practices, it is the
​​​​recommendation of the Executive Committee that the Yalecrest ​​​​Neighborhood Council by-laws
be revised to create separate/individual ​​​positions and roles for secretary and treasurer. Current
by-laws have ​​​secretary and treasurer as a combined position.
Treasurer shall give a financial report at each board of directors meeting. Shall assist in the
preparation of the budget, help develop fundraising plans and make financial information
available to directors and the public. Shall have custody of all monies and securities on the
organization and shall keep regular books of account. The treasurer shall disburse the funds of
organization in payment of the just demands against the organization or as may be ordered by
the board of directors, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements and rending the board an
account of all such transactions.
13 in favor
0 opposed
1 obtaining (came in late)


Yalecrest Culture and Environment • Uniquely Yalecrest:
Moana Uluave-Hafoka, Salt Lake City Mayors Office reporting on the final legal decision
between Salt Lake City, Mt. Olivet Cemetery and Roland Hall/St. Mark’s. Report on Yalecrest
residents via Sunnyside access.
Robin: Developmental agreement happened several years ago; rezone 14 acres to
accommodate Roland Hall. Yalecrest neighborhood losing access to scared open space;
Roland Hall agreed to create access from Yalecrest neighborhood and cemetery. Roland Hall
created sidewalk. Mt. Olivet locked the gate; no access.
Moana: Seven months prior walked path and took pictures. This last week city attorney’s
decided that access points to remain open expect sidewalk adjoining to Roland Hall. This is
considered private property; cemetery will not unlock.
Lynn: Working on agreement for the past three years. She stated all gates should be
opened during operating hours. What is private property? Cemetery is not private property,
rather federal scared open space. More information needed to understand the legal
Robin: Political decision. City and community don’t have leg to stand on.
Asking Moana to get back to us the following:

  1. Definition of private property; City and Mt. Olivet Definition of private property. City not
    standing on a leg; why others have lost faith in government.
  2. Where city will stand on any developmental agreement.
  3. Shows lack of good faith from Mt. Olivet and Salt Lake City. Roland Hall spent over
    $100,000 to pay for a sidewalk to no-where. Had Roland Hall known the sidewalk would not
    give access, according the contract, they would of not spent the money. They put in the lights
    and maintain it. Roland Hall purchased land for over 7 million. Mt. Olivet bought for over
    300,000. Why the 6.9 million difference between the sell of Roland Hall and cemetery? Land
    use to be Ft. Douglas site.
    Sunnyside Park / Pingree School Pathway Widening: Project development and design review of
    city sidewalk widening adjacent to Sunnyside Park and Carmen B. Pingree Center, Jim Webster
    ( 20 minutes)
    See attached PowerPoint presentation
    1980-Irrigation, retention wall; sidewalks near creek;
    2008- Oil spill money to
    Request the opinions of the people or user. Widened creek-standing water and now
    mosquito problem. City abatement on task.
    Sunnyside is a regional park. Five softball fields, small playground. McClelland Trail
    design. Budgeted $970,000 to widen this sidewalk. What is the purpose of the sidewalk?
    Previous conversation in February- 1300 E to Foothill. Tree spade-to relocate trees. Not used;
    instead cut down 9 mature trees. City promised 2 ft. Grass distance between sidewalk and curb;
    DID NOT happen. What do we get for a million dollars? Will it create safe space for bicycle
    riders? Slow down speed on Sunnyside?
    Street Banners: Custom designed street banners are one way for neighborhoods to create a
    sense of both cultural and geographic identity
    Lisette Gibson and Lynn Pershing will share information about one successful Salt Lake
    neighborhood street banner program (20 minutes)


Case study: Liberty Wells 900 S to 2100 S
Wanted identity for their neighborhood-created signage. Put signs on outside. Permanent signs.
Scale to residential homes.
Feedback: What is Liberty Wells? Sign does not tell you anything? “Liberty Wells Community.”
Sign looks contemporary. Victorian flare/contemporary.
Neighborhood nodes and identification with widening the sidewalk. We have the opportunity to
influence nature.
Suggest poll of Yalecrest priorities.
Updated email list
Add to email- Reminder for neighbor curiosities: “Be that neighbor…”
Dogs on a leash
Shovel sidewalks
Change lightbulbs