2017- November 1

Meet and Mingle
Welcome and introductions
Asset based community organization- build and support community organizations in Salt Lake
City. Neighborhood USA in Omaha, NE
Nate Salazar- Associate Director of Community Empowerment ABCD Institute
People and communities have deficiencies and strengths
Neighborhood Needs Map: unemployment, broken families, child abuse, crime, graffiti, mental
disability, welfare recipients, dropouts, lead poisoning, illiteracy, truancy, gangs, slum housing,
Asset map: location institutions, income, churches, schools, youth, artists, community colleges,
older adults, hospitals, gifts of individuals.
1-Individual gifts:
Gifts of the head
Gifts of the hands
Gifts of the heart-things I care deeply about
Associations/interactions to make change.
2- Voluntary Associations
Members create the vision
3- Institutions- libraries, schools, parks, hospitals, universities, etc
Control vs Choice
Production/goods/services vs care
Clients/consumers vs
4-Physical Space-parks, gardens, etc
5- Exchange- bringing in individuals, volunteers, institutions, physical space to make the
community better
Connectors-gift centered, well connected, trusted, believes community is welcome
Ex. Power ladder; people who live in their neighborhood are empowered to go from victims or
consumers to advocates

Dennis Faris and Tyler Murdoch
How did they do that?
Bike Jump + Community Garden
9Line Bike Park

Constructed in about 2014-old Railroad passage
City seeking ways to use the space previously used for dumping or homelessness
Pump track-developed to be a bike park.
Early urban interventions- West Side Popular Grove
Active community council and advocates to get the 1 million to build the park
Required creative planning for permits, funding and support.
Donation of 5,000 cubic yards of dirt from __
Union Pacific, UTA easements and UDOT
The Salt project.com -strider bike post
Community Garden near bike park. Identify partners to help with long term maintenance.
Wasatch Gardens helping maintain gardens.

Blake Perez
Paint and Pavement
Artists and pavement- Ross Park- Speed Networking Event in 2016
Knocking on doors, community event, recruited volunteers, identified 6 potential spots.
Community workshop in January 2017. Worked with 2 local artists; meet in February on site.
Dry run. Still taking feedback. March 2017 unveiled the multi colored rose. May 2017
$850 project
Mini grant from SLC Council $500
Had to have 100% properties abutting project site
Project expression activity permit
Involve transportation early
Can’t have more than 2,500 cars/day-only residential streets, no transit or bus routes, design
Target an installation date and plan backwards
Outreach, outreach, outreach
Who is paying for it
Access public art
Created a community space drive neighbors
Reduce speed by 3 mph

Water rights? State by Utah since the 50’s to acquire all the water rights. West and East side of
Jordan River. Salt Lake County deals with east side. Water right owners come forward to state
their ownership and state how they use it. Pre-statuary use-a water well? Judiciation process.
Information online. Historical records.